PWA Worldcup Tenerife 2013
Tomorrow will be THE day in the double elimination. Everything can happen….. Today we saw loads of heats from the boys and the girls in very windy conditions. Guys were sailing on 3.7 / 4.0, the girls on 3.3 or even smaller. Caro Weber was winning her first heats in the PWA Worldcup and managed to improve her position and finishes 9th in the competition. Thumbs up.
I had a lot of fun sailing in the single elimination and I hope it will stay as windy at it was today. I like my 3.3 Sailloft Quad a lot. Actually I like it so much, that I used it in my last heat against Karin and it was way too small. Well….. this spot is sometimes kind of strange. 10 minutes you are fully overpowered on 3.7 and then you have to take 4,2 again. There is seaweed everywhere, what makes it really hard. Tomorrow I have to sail again against Nayra Alonso. I hope I don´t get too mental tomorrow morning. I just want to go out and have fun and show some nice high forwards. Let´s do it!