Mercedes-Benz Worldcup Sylt 2017
Autumn came in big steps! And all of a sudden the Windsurf Worldcup on Sylt was on and it was more than ON.
We had one week of westerly storms.
Sailing almost every day, getting super wet every day due to a lot of rain, but seeing the best rainbows every day.
What a week: we sailed from porttack to dead-onshore to side-on starboardtack and managed to get a result in all disciplines.
In waves we almost finished the double elimination and I´m happy that I competed and happy to finish on 6th place. It´s still nice to compete with all the girls and I think we all sailed pretty well.
The shorebreak on Sylt can be quite gnarly and sometimes it needs some clever sailing to not be in there from the very first minute. Sometimes I was out there 30 minutes before my heat started and was wondering what I should do now…. Cruising around, watching the others sailing… and sometimes it´s just bad luck to get stuck in there.
The crowd on Sylt was very nice and showed some endurance while standing in the rain. I never complain about the weather, because autumn and the windy season in germany is like this: harsh & rainy. But this year after all those days everything in the van was wet. But well, no complaining, I surfed 8 out of 9 days. Happy Sylt Surfing & Competition holidays!
Result Women’s Wave Mercedes-Benz PWA Super Grand Slam – Double Elimination
1st Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lina Erpenstein (Patrik / Severne)
5th Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / Mystic)
6th Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg)
7th Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
7th Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360)
9th Caroline Weber (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg / Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Greta Benvenuti (Challenger Sails, AL360, 99 NoveNove)
9th Arianne Aukes (NorthSails, Fanatic, Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Nicole Bandini (NorthSails, Fanatic)
13th Marine Hunter (KA Sail)
13th Serena Zoia (Loftsails, 99 NoveNove)
Pictures: Carter/ & privat
ZDF Sportschau mit Philip Köster